Of course when something strange and unexplainable happens, all sorts of conspiracy theories will come out from people. The latest is about how the disappearance of MH370 on the morning of March 8th 2014 is somehow linked with the sightings of UFOS in Thailand's Phuket Island during the few days after MH370 mysteriously disappeared.
Even a reader of this blog wrote a comment on this in one of the posts -
1 comment:

I would like to study the possibility of UFOs influence in the case of the MH370 flight. xxxx@mail.tmn.pt
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And according to the Daily Mail of UK, one in ten Americans believe 'space aliens' was involved in the disappearance of MH370. Click here to read this article. Wow! That's is really deep shit.
However, we at UFO Sightings Malaysia Blogspot think there is a more logical explanation rather than blaming UFOS for the mysterious disappearance of flight MH370.
We offer a few reasons for this belief -
Until the debris is found and examined, no story is accurate. But for the few reasons we offer above, it is definitely not the doing of some UFOs.